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Steampunk Holmes: Legacy of the Nautilus
P.C. Martin

The English Assassin

The English Assassin - Daniel Silva I don't enjoy reading about violence and murder, and there is a lot in this book. I read this for a book club, and the point was to try genres we wouldn't normally read. Even though it's not really my cup of tea, I still enjoyed the story and characters. If it wasn't for all the violence, it would probably earn 4 stars from me.

The Chronological Man: The Monster In The Mist

The Chronological Man: The Monster In The Mist - Andrew Mayne Somewhere the author describes his main character as part Sherlock Holmes, part Iron Man, and part Doctor Who. The Doctor Who-ish-ness is what struck me right away. It was a really fun read and I look forward to more in the series.

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - I never would have read this had I known what a tearjerker it would be. I'm not a Lifetime movie and kleenexes kinda girl. I was expecting "a novel of unsentimental charm, humor..." It was charming enough, but I didn't find it the least bit humorous. As for "profound insight into the thoughts and feelings we all bury deep within our hearts"...well, maybe. I liked the characters, the journey, and the writing. If there had been more humor and less sob stories I probably would have given it four stars.

The Princess Bride (Ballantine Reader's Circle)

The Princess Bride - William Goldman I feel like such a traitor not giving this more stars, and I never thought I'd say this, but I liked the movie a lot better.